Speaker Mūrniece: The UN must play an active role in Ukraine’s reconstruction


The international community must actively engage in Ukraine’s reconstruction process, and the United Nations can play an important role in it, said Speaker of the Saeima Ināra Mūrniece, on Thursday, 21 July, meeting with Abdulla Shahid, President of the 76th Session of the United Nations (UN) General Assembly, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Maldives.

Latvia, for its part, is ready to engage in Ukraine’s reconstruction efforts in accordance with the principles set out in the Lugano Conference. The provision of the necessary support to Ukraine is a commitment not only of the Latvian state, but also of the civil society and the private sector, said the Speaker of the Saeima.

The UN representative highly appreciated the support of our country to Ukraine, with special emphasis on the assistance provided by the Latvian society to war refugees.

Since 24 February, we have been experiencing blatant violations of international law, including the UN Charter, by a permanent member of the UN Security Council, so it is particularly important to continue defending the rules-based international order, which is particularly important for small states, emphasised Speaker Mūrniece. She welcomed the work of the UN General Assembly, in particular the adopting of a resolution condemning Russia’s aggression in Ukraine. The Speaker of the Saeima stressed that Russia’s war in Ukraine could lead to further aggression and further negative impact on global security and economy in the future.

A. Shahid admitted that Russia’s war not only affects the situation in Europe, but echoes widely throughout the world, including a direct impact on the Maldivian economy.

I.Mūrniece stressed that we must not permit any compromises that affect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine. Ukraine must receive all possible support. Ukraine’s accession to the European Union would be an important step in ensuring that its citizens see a clear European perspective. It will help to implement the necessary reforms and restore the country when the war is over, the Speaker of the Saeima said.

Latvia will continue to actively address Russian violations in international organisations, as joint efforts are essential to put an end to Russia’s aggression, emphasised I.Mūrniece. Latvia also supports all mechanisms for bringing Russia to justice for the war crimes committed in Ukraine.

When discussing the security situation in the region, the Speaker of the Saeima stressed that at the recent NATO summit in Madrid Russia was recognised as the most important and direct threat to the Alliance, and the Baltic States are on the front line of this threat, therefore it is important to significantly increase the presence of NATO forces in the region in order to reduce security risks.

Latvia is an active member of the UN, we support multilateralism, sustainable development, gender equality and youth engagement. Latvia actively participates in the fight against disinformation and supports the reforms of the United Nations, said the Speaker of the Saeima.


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Saeima Press Service

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