Speakers of the Lithuanian and Latvian parliaments stress the need to support Ukraine and strengthen the security in the Baltic region


“International community must continue supporting Ukraine both on the political level and with specific aid initiatives,” Ināra Mūrniece, Speaker of the Saeima, stressed during her meeting with Lithuanian counterpart Loreta Graužinienė on Monday, 3 August. The two met as part of Graužinienė’s working visit to Latvia. 

Discussing the current situation in the region, both speakers agreed that parliamentary ties with Ukraine may also help the country succeed in its democratic reform process. Mūrniece and Graužiniene reconfirmed the commitment of Lithuanian and Latvian parliaments for continued support of Ukraine. 

Emphasising the importance of close parliamentary cooperation with Ukraine so far Mūrniece referred to the recent visit of Ukrainian parliamentary delegation to Latvia on 6 July, led by the Deputy Speaker Oksana Syroid. While visiting Latvia, Ukrainian parliamentarians attended the Children of War benefit concert for Ukrainian children, organised under the patronage of Speaker Mūrniece. Both speakers reiterated the necessity for specific measures to support Ukraine. 

The speakers of the Lithuanian and Latvian parliaments expressed their solidarity with Ukraine, including continued support for its territorial integrity. The European Union (EU) has decided to extend the sanctions on Russia due to its failure to meet the Minsk Protocol commitments. In case of continued neglect of the Minsk Protocol and prolonged military aggression in Ukraine, the EU ought to introduce even further sanctions against Russia. This position, shared by Mūrniece and Graužiniene, will also be presented at the Annual Conference of the Speakers of the NB8 Parliaments on 20-21 August, in Stockholm, Sweden. 

The speakers also discussed the regional security and reiterated the need to prioritise the strengthening of collective defence. Mūrniece praised the active role of the U.S. in maintaining the regional security, emphasising that the support of our allies is crucial for the Baltic States in the current geopolitical situation. 

Photos from the meeting are available at: https://www.flickr.com/photos/saeima/20072055439/in/dateposted-public/  
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Saeima Press Service

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