Disclosure Required for Use of Artificial Intelligence in Pre-Election Campaigns


According to amendments to the Pre-election Campaign Law, adopted in the Saeima on Thursday, 24 October, any use of artificial intelligence in pre-election campaigns must be clearly disclosed.

If a pre-election campaign or campaign material contains a representation of a person or an event created by an artificial intelligence system—such as an image, audio, or video content that does not correspond to reality—this must be indicated clearly and unambiguously. This requirement will apply specifically to paid pre-election campaigns.

The amendments further prohibit the use of fake or anonymous social media accounts in pre-election campaigns.

Cases where the use of artificial intelligence in campaign materials is not properly disclosed will be assessed by the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau. The Bureau, in consultation with field experts, may prohibit the campaign in question.

These amendments were proposed by President Edgars Rinkēvičs in response to the potential use of artificial intelligence systems to influence electoral processes, manipulate voter opinions, and spread disinformation.



Saeima Press Service

Ceturtdien, 12.decembrī
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