Saeima: Latvian citizens can volunteer to serve in Ukraine


On Monday, 28 February, the Saeima unanimously adopted in the second and final reading urgent amendments to the National Security Law, allowing Latvian citizens to volunteer for military service in Ukraine.

Professional service soldiers of the National Armed Forces and members of the National Guard of Latvia are prohibited from participating in another country's armed conflict.

"Our citizens who want to support Ukraine and volunteer to serve there to defend the country’s  independence and our common security should be able to do so," said Juris Rancāns, Chair of the Defence, Internal Affairs and Corruption Prevention Committee, which is responsible for advancing the amendments in the Saeima.

The National Security Law stipulates that Latvian citizens are prohibited from serving in the armed forces, internal security forces, military organisation, intelligence service or security service, police (militia), or justice institution services of foreign states or other subjects of the international law or those established in their territories. An exception is made regarding the service of the European Union, the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, a Member State of the European Union, a Member State of the European Free Trade Association, a Member State of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, the Commonwealth of Australia, the Federative Republic of Brazil, or New Zealand, or in the service of such country with which the Republic of Latvia has entered into an agreement regarding recognition of dual citizenship, as well as the service that is not recognised as voluntary in the country of the person's citizenship (nationality) with which the dual citizenship has occurred in accordance with the conditions of the Citizenship Law. The same exception shall now apply to military service in Ukraine.

The amendments will enter into force on the day following their promulgation. The Saeima adopted in the second and final reading related amendments to the Citizenship Law.


Saeima Press Service

Otrdien, 28.maijā
08:30  Juridiskās komisijas Krimināltiesību un sodu politikas apakškomisijas sēde
08:30  Tautsaimniecības, agrārās, vides un reģionālās politikas komisijas Vides, klimata un enerģētikas apakškomisijas sēde
10:00  Juridiskās komisijas sēde
10:00  Izglītības, kultūras un zinātnes komisijas sēde
10:00  Aizsardzības, iekšlietu un korupcijas novēršanas komisijas sēde
10:00  Valsts pārvaldes un pašvaldības komisijas sēde
10:00  Tautsaimniecības, agrārās, vides un reģionālās politikas komisijas sēde
10:00  Sociālo un darba lietu komisijas sēde
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13:00  Sociālo un darba lietu komisijas Sabiedrības veselības apakškomisijas sēde
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14:00  Cilvēktiesību un sabiedrisko lietu komisijas Latgales apakškomisijas sēde
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