The Saeima supports the participation of Latvian troops in the NATO mission in Iraq and the EU military operation in the Mediterranean


On Thursday, 17 September, the Saeima adopted a decision on the participation of the National Armed Forces (NAF) troops in the NATO mission in Iraq until 1 November 2022. The Saeima also adopted a decision on the participation of the NAF troops in the European Union (EU) military operation in the Mediterranean.

The NATO mission in Iraq is a non-combat training mission. The summary of the draft decision states that the goal of the mission is to provide support for the development of effective, sustainable, transparent, and comprehensive state security and defence institutions and the civil sector in Iraq.

The summary notes that the mission includes 550 to 600 military and civilian personnel, with Canada assuming command until December this year. In 2021, the command of the NATO mission will be taken over by Denmark, who offered Latvian troops to join the mission as members of the Danish contingent starting November this year. Participation in the mission would enable the Latvian NAF to build its combat capabilities, continue strategic cooperation, and maintain interoperability with the Danish Armed Forces and the NATO in general.

The NAF will begin their participation in the mission with a platoon-sized unit consisting of 34 troops. The planned tasks of the NAF contingent include providing defence for the personnel and assets, with focus on ensuring military base protection and safe mobility of the mission advisors within the mission area. The Ministry of Defence may, if necessary, consider expanding the NAF contingent up to 40 troops, taking into account further dynamic developments, the capacity building needs of Iraq, and additional requirements of the mission.

The officer permanently seconded by the NAF to the EU military mission in the Mediterranean has until now served in the operational headquarters in Rome. Full participation is, however, necessary to increase the operational capacities and effectiveness of our representatives. It is currently planned that NAF representatives will continue to hold a position in the operational headquarters and fill another position on a naval vessel of the operation. The summary of the draft decision states that the Ministry of Defence may, if necessary, consider the possible expansion of the NAF contingent in the mission, depending on future safety and operational needs.

According to the summary, in the context of Latvia and the EU, the mission is significant to limiting the transfer of weapons to Libya, thus reducing instability in the country, and also in countering illegal immigration. The mandate of the operation currently expires on 31 March 2021. Further operational participation of the NAF will be ensured in accordance with the decisions of the EU regarding mission mandates, tasks, and duration of activities.

The decisions of the Saeima shall enter into force at the time of their adoption.


Saeima Press Service

Trešdien, 18.septembrī
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