Foreign Affairs Committee expresses concern about continued tensions in Israel and the Palestinian territories and the increasing number of civilian casualties


On Wednesday, 18 October, the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Saeima adopted a statement expressing its concern about the continuing tensions in Israel and the Palestinian territories and the increasing number of civilian casualties directly resulting from the brutal assault on Israel by the terrorist organisation Hamas.

In the Statement, the Committee stresses the responsibility of the terrorist organisation Hamas and its allies for the current escalation, which is contrary to the aspirations of the Palestinian people for a peaceful two-state solution to the conflict under the Oslo Accords and other international parameters. The Committee demands that Hamas immediately cease any attacks and release the hostages.

MPs express their disappointment at the persisting failure by the Palestinian Authority to strongly and openly condemn the terrorist attacks carried out by Hamas and to clearly distance itself from the terrorists.

The Statement calls on the Palestinian Authority, which has made some efforts in the past to achieve a two-state solution within international parameters, to distance itself from the actions of Hamas and to urge it to immediately end the violence and release the hostages.

In the Statement, the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Saeima points out that further increases in civilian casualties are unacceptable and stresses that political dialogue is the only possible solution.


Saeima Press Service

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