The Saeima authorises the State to purchase Air Baltic securities


The Minister of Finance will be authorised to purchase new fixed income securities of joint stock company Air Baltic Corporation on behalf of the State. This is provided for by the decision  taken by the Saeima on Thursday, 2 May.

In accordance with the decision of the Saeima, the Minister of Finance is authorised to purchase the newly issued fixed income securities (bonds) of the joint stock company “Air Baltic Corporation” in the amount of no more than 136 million euros or equivalent in accordance with the company bond prospectus, the instructions of the leading banks of the issue and internationally accepted practices regarding the purchase and settlement of bonds.

The Saeima, considering the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers, issued a mandate to the Minister of Finance for the purchase of fixed income securities from the budgetary resources in accordance with the amendments to the Law on Budget and Financial Management adopted last week.


Saeima Press Service

Pirmdien, 17.jūnijā
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