Goals and tasks are set for the Public Council on Electing the President


Solvita Āboltiņa, Speaker of the Saeima, has set goals and tasks for the Public Council on Electing the President in order to ensure that the election of the president of Latvia is more open and democratic. 

“The President is Latvia’s symbol both on a local level and internationally; however, the criteria established for selecting the President are scarcely discussed in public. Presidential election should not be Latvia’s political secret. Only by having open discussions and common understanding of eligibility criteria it is possible to select an excellent President who is worthy of society’s trust,” emphasised Solvita Āboltiņa. 

The Council will not evaluate specific presidential candidates, make decisions or vote on concrete decisions. Its tasks will be to listen to the opinions of political parties, public organisations, experts in constitutional law and citizens; to discuss and seek a broad consensus on issues related to the constitutional, political and public role of the President, as well as the most essential knowledge, experience and reputation that are needed in fulfilling the duties of the President of Latvia. 

The Council will also discuss the basic principles used in evaluating the performance of the President, the best practice in nominating candidates, organising public discussions, and holding discussions in parliament and among political parties on matters related to presidential election; furthermore, it will seek possible improvements in the presidential election procedure. 

The Public Council on Electing the President will consist of leaders and representatives from all political parties elected to the Saeima, former Presidents of Latvia and Presidents of the Constitutional Court, as well as chairmen of the National Security Committee and Foreign Affairs Committee of the Saeima. It is also planned to invite representatives of society to participate in the discussions of the Council.


 Saeima Press Service

Otrdien, 11.februārī
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