The Saeima adopts voting procedures in local government referendums until the introduction of the online electoral register


Voting in municipal referendums until the introduction of the electronic voter register will be possible through registration envelopes. This is introduced by the Saeima on Thursday, 14 December, in the final reading of the amendments to the Local Government Referendum Law. In order to allow residents to participate in decision-making in local governments and influence the work of the council in the interests of local residents, as of 1 September 2024, the residents have the opportunity to propose local government referendums.

According to the amendments, voting with registration envelopes will be used in cases where the information systems cannot be used or are restricted for security reasons, or the systems are inoperable. Methodological support for municipal polling stations will be provided by the Central Election Commission.

In turn, citizens will be able to collect signatures to initiate a referendum using the public administration service portal

The adopted changes aim to ensure the holding of referendums in municipalities until the introduction of the online voter register. According to the previously adopted amendments to the Electoral Register Law the voter register is planned to be implemented as of 1 August 2025, following the established technological and organisational schedule.

The delay in the implementation of the local government referendums, which, according to the law was planned as of 1 January 2024, is related to ensuring the necessary financing, technical solution development and testing, previously noted the representatives of the Ministry of the Interior regarding the progress of amendments in the Saeima’s Public Administration and Local Government Committee.

Amendments to the Local Government Referendum Law will come into force on the day after their promulgation.


Saeima Press Service

Otrdien, 28.maijā
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