Ilmārs Latkovskis: Understanding among Latvian soldiers would be a good sign for Latvia’s future


“To reach understanding and reconciliation among Latvian soldiers would be a good sign for Latvia’s future. However, there are attempts to hinder this process,” said Ilmārs Latkovskis, Chairman of the Social Cohesion Committee of the Saeima, after meeting with President Andris Bērziņš.

Latkovskis thinks that if veterans of World War II who fought on opposite fronts were to support one another, that would neutralise international accusations that Latvian legionnaires were Nazis. In turn, legionnaires would affirm that their brothers who were pulled into the trenches under the Communist flag are not occupants or traitors.

“Of course, we cannot force war veterans to act as we would like them to. It is important for them to say so themselves. President Bērziņš is convinced that the soldiers are close to such an understanding and reconciliation, and that gives me hope. Of course, there will always be various hate mongers. But it is important to understand that above everything else is the desire for mutual understanding even though this may not be easily accommodated by political thinking,” the Chairman of the Committee said.

During the meeting, Latkovskis emphasised that if the initiative is received well by veterans, the Social Cohesion Committee is prepared to draft a political document establishing equal treatment of veterans of both fronts. Such a document would have to be immediately followed by specific draft laws for the benefit of veterans. Latkovskis is of the opinion that although the state of Latvia is not responsible for World War II, it nevertheless has to take care of its sons and daughters whose youth was crushed by war under foreign flags.

Photos from the meeting are available at:
When using the material, please give credit to the Saeima Chancellery.


Saeima Press Service

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