Ināra Mūrniece in Switzerland: Latvia is ready to participate in Ukraine's recovery


"Latvia is ready to participate in the recovery of Ukraine, and our civil society and private sector are determined to support Ukraine," said Ināra Mūrniece, Speaker of the Saeima, on Tuesday, 5 July, in Lugano, Switzerland, addressing the participants of the conference dedicated to the recovery of Ukraine.

Russia's war against Ukraine has caused serious long-term geopolitical, economic, and humanitarian consequences even far beyond Europe, said the Speaker of the Saeima, stressing that the world needs to see clearly that Ukraine is the victim in this war, defending its people and land.

Only a complete victory for Ukraine and a complete defeat for Russia can ensure lasting peace and security in Europe. The sooner this is achieved, the sooner economic recovery and growth will start, said Speaker Mūrniece.

"The Ukrainian government needs to set priorities for its national recovery plan. The decision to grant Ukraine candidate status clearly anchors Ukraine on the map of the European Union," the Speaker of the Saeima noted, adding that support for Ukraine must be linked to reforms, thus bringing it closer to the EU.

After the war ends, Ukraine aims to become a modern European country. We are interested in turning this dream into reality, said Speaker Mūrniece.

The Speaker of the Saeima is currently on a working visit to Switzerland, where she is taking part in a conference on the recovery of Ukraine. The conference focuses on Ukraine's recovery and development plan and the necessary investments by international partners.

Conferences dedicated to Ukraine have been held annually since 2017; it was previously known as the Ukraine Reform Conference. This year, the Ukraine Reform Conference has been renamed the Ukraine Recovery Conference.


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Otrdien, 16.aprīlī
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