State-owned land to be transferred for establishing an industrial park in Augšdaugava


In order to promote a balanced development of commercial activities in the territory of the country, the Saeima on Wednesday, 15 November, approved in the third and final reading a law transferring state-owned real estate without compensation to the Augšdaugava Municipality for establishing an industrial park.

The industrial park will cover an area of 256 hectares suitable for large production facilities and the required technical building-up (warehouses, transport infrastructure, water supply and heating infrastructure, etc.). The park is to accommodate companies representing industrial, innovative product manufacturing, transport, logistics, energy, and other sectors.

The authors of the draft law explained that transferring the state-owned forest land in Līksna Parish of Augšdaugava Municipality to the municipality would promote the development and economic growth of the municipality and the Latgale region, as well as improve the quality of life of local residents. The state should hand over its real estate to the municipality so that the latter can build the necessary public infrastructure.

Municipality representatives previously stressed that the planned industrial park is also essential for improving the competitiveness of the municipality and the region, highlighting the favourable geographical location selected for the park and its access to strategically important infrastructure.

The municipality should issue binding regulations governing the conditions for the establishment, use, and management of the industrial park, as well as the requirements for applicants wishing to use the park's territory.

The real estate will have to be handed back to the state if the environmental impact assessment finds that it cannot be used for the industrial park, pointed out the authors of the draft law. The real estate or part of it will also have to be restituted if, within three years of its transfer to the municipality, the municipality's spatial development planning documents have not been prepared or are not in line with the purpose of the law, or if a lease auction has not been held within five years of the permit for the relevant activities being granted.

The law will enter into force on the day following its promulgation.

Saeima Press Service

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